Monday, October 10, 2005

President Declares War on Nature

(From the Blind Observer)
WASHINGTON, D.C.– President George W. Bush, speaking at the National Cathedral, called on “the Creator of wind and water” to be our ally in an all-out struggle against the “vast and indifferent might of Nature” demonstrated by her recent egregious onslaught on America.

“The arbitrary harm left by these storms and the mystery of undeserved suffering,” he said, leaves him, as Commander-in-Chief, no other option but war. “Americans have never left our destiny to the whims of Nature, and we will not start now,” he said. He assured his listeners that, though “Nature is an awesome force,” God, who is omnipotent, is on our side.

“These were not normal hurricanes,” the President said, affirming that Nature, who he said could never be trusted, has in her irrational fury violated human decency and outraged the Deity, with whom, of course, the President is in daily consultation.

“We have seen fellow citizens left stunned and uprooted, searching for loved ones, and grieving for the dead, and looking for meaning in a tragedy that seems so blind and random,” Bush said.

The President said he had ordered new weaponry developed aimed at disabling Nature’s devastating arsenal of offensive weather systems, which, along with hurricanes, include earthquakes, volcanoes, tornados, freezing rain, and uncomfortably humid days.

Locally, Bush called for an investigation of the Mystery Hole, the suspiciously bizarre phenomenon of Nature at Ansted, West Virginia, saying it “just didn’t seem right.”

The President said Americans have “a faith in God no storm can take away,” and he called for national solidarity in opposing Nature in all her duplicitous forms.


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