Monday, April 17, 2006

Library Displays Student Science

By Delano Farley
For National Library Month, Human Anatomy and Physiology students have made and placed on display in the WVUP library 3-D models for skin, muscles, spinal cord, bone, brain and body systems.

Pursuant to research conducted by Drs. Joyce Kronberg and Marshall Griffin published in the 2000 Journal of College Science Teaching, Dr. Kronberg has incorporated a plan that allows students to use artwork in class assignments. The unique form of assignment stems from the researched findings that many students are visual learners and enjoy having options and choices to earn part of their grade.

Some students created an exhibit on burns of the skin with photography while the non-artistic members were given an option of research through the internet, library, and textbook resources.

The artwork of these fourteen talented science students is on display through April.

A model of the respiratory system designed by James Dalrymple

Photo by Delano Farley


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