Monday, April 17, 2006

Harris in Philadelphia

By Betsy Curry
Instructor of Speech Barbara Harris will be among six presenters discussing “Transforming Communication and Community: Forensics and Its Communities,” at the Eastern Communication Association’s 2006 annual meeting in Philadelphia.

Harris, coach of WVUP’s forensics team, has recognized over the years the transformation that occurs in students as they participate in forensic activities. During April 26-30, she will examine and share specific examples in which forensics and her forensic students have served to help transform the various communities in which they interact with – the squad, the forensic circuit, the campus community, and the communities where they live and work.

This marks the 97th annual meeting of the ECA. This year’s theme for the event is “Transforming Communication and Community,” which is brought about to encourage those involved to make a difference in their community and to help apply effective communication skills needed to create positive change.

The Eastern Communication Association, established in 1910, lays claim to be the oldest professional communication association in the United States. The Association has a history of achievement in research, criticism, communication theory, and excellence in teaching. ECA welcomes anyone who shares in their goals and objectives to participate in state, regional and national activities.


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