Monday, April 17, 2006

Travel Class at CCCE

By Betsy Curry
WVUP’s Center for Corporate and Community Education, along with the WVUP Office of International Education and Travel, will hold a series of classes for area residents interested in international travel, specifically those traveling with an interest in art.

The classes are currently in session, but the third class in the series will be held at the Center for Corporate and Community Education April 24 at 7 p.m. Each class comes with a $10 fee.

Beth Sears-Cox, WVUP’s assistant professor of art, will instruct the class series. Cox will share her special insights along with considerations and introductions to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City and The Louvre in Paris. Both exhibits are scheduled to be part of this summer’s study abroad experience.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art is considered the most popular tourist site in New York City. The museum, according to the MMA homepage, receives more visitors than the Empire State Building, Rockefeller Center, the Statue of Liberty, the Mets or the Yankees. The MMA is the largest museum in the Western Hemisphere.

The Louvre in Paris opened its doors in 1793, laying host to magnificent artwork for over 200 years. Louvre, the most famous museum appeals to nearly 6 million visitors every year according to the museum’s website. The museum is home to 35,000 works of art. The Louvre’s featured exhibit this summer, is Islamic Art, “Treasury of the World Jeweled Arts of India in the Age of the Mughals.”

Anyone interested in registering, contact Mary Beth Busch, director of Workforce and Community Education and coordinator of International Education and Travel at (304) 424- 8276.


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