Monday, April 03, 2006

Ashley Seeks Republican Spot

By John Hickey
WVUP student Jim Ashley II will be on the ballot May 9 at polling places in West Virginia’s 3rd Senatorial District, running for a four-year term as a member of the executive committee of the West Virginia Republican Party, which, Ashley says, chooses the state party chairman, has a say in setting party budget parameters, and helps influence the direction of the party.

Ashley declares himself a Reagan Republican. He says he is pro-life and in favor of less government, lower taxes, and citizens taking personal responsibility for their lives.

Ashley wants the West Virginia Republican Party to focus on paying off $200,000 in debts the party has incurred in recent years. He says the delay in settling the debt hurts the credibility of the state party, and undermines the party’s historic position of fiscal conservatism. He feels the party should devote fundraising events specifically to paying off the debt.

West Virginia’s registered Republicans are outnumbered 2-1 by registered Democrats, but the party is growing, and the national Republican party seeks to convert the state.


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