Monday, March 20, 2006

Scuba Classes at YMCA

By Chris Carez
West Virginia is the last place anyone would expect to find a group of people teaching others how to scuba dive. The people of Scuba WV have been teaching community members how to dive for years through classes offered at numerous YMCAs. Classes are offered at the Parkersburg, Charleston, and Marietta YMCAs. Classes are currently underway but more will be starting in March. The classes consist of classroom activities followed by learning different techniques in the pool. The Parkersburg class starts March 24, the Marietta class begins March 26, and the Charleston class begins March 27. If there are not enough people participating by the second or third class, the class will be cancelled.

Scuba WV is located down the road from the WVUP across from Helen’s Family Restaurant. Scuba WV does more than teach classes, they also sell gear. Students in the scuba classes are encouraged to buy their gear from Scuba WV, that way they know they are getting good gear. Being a diver opens up a completely new world of adventures.

Trips are one thing Scuba WV does perfectly. Throughout the years the club has taken divers to the Florida Keys, the Galapagos Islands, Truk & Palau, and Bonaire just to name a few. Those attending the trip to Bonaire are not required to be certified divers. Bonaire is an island off the coast of Venezuela and is part of the ABC island chain; Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao. Those who are not certified to dive can take part in island activities such as shopping or taking tours. The Galapagos Island trip is a great experience where the participants get to live aboard boats for up to two weeks at a time, traveling from dive site to dive site. The Florida Keys trip is April 27-June 1. Scuba WV will be celebrating their 20th Anniversary trip at Bonaire this year. The trip goes from July 29-Aug. 5.

A mixture of four individuals teach the course, James Carez, Marvin Trippett, Don Schrader, and WVU-P’s very own Professor Roger Lewis. If any student has an interest in scuba diving they can contact Scuba WV by phone at (304) 422-4398 or by e-mail at They also have a website, Students can contact Professor Lewis in Room 1016 D for more information. Scuba diving is a great opportunity for people to explore the beauty of the deep.


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