Monday, February 27, 2006

Danger May Lurk In MySpace

By Tom “Con” Freeland
We all know that a pedophile stalks and carefully waits to attack a child. We also know that since the dawn of internet, child molesters have crawled out of the woodwork. They can use the information about your child that is on MySpace to locate, learn about and mislead your child.

Once they have this information, according to, they can simply hop on MySpace Chat with a fake profile they created and begin an open line of communication with your child.

Once that line of communication has been established, the pedophile will begin to use all of the information they have been freely given about your child and exploit it to gain trust. When trust is established, the predator will begin to test the waters for arranging to meet in person.

If you have a child and you know or suspect that they are utilizing, your top priority should be making sure they are safe from that kind of hazardous situation. If they are on MySpace providing personal information, you need to know exactly what they have out there for the world to see. We understand that you cannot be chained to the computer every time your child uses it, but we know someone who can.

SpectorSoft has been making child-monitoring software since 1999 and they have a complete line of computer tracking products which range in price from $99.95 to $149.95. Spector Pro will record anything that your child does on MySpace. You will see their MySpace profile and if it has any personal information, you can change it. You will be able to read every email sent and received from your child’s MySpace web mail to make certain that the wrong people are not approaching them. Both sides of MySpace chat and instant messaging will be recorded and stored in a hidden location only you will know about.

Spector Pro also has an advanced snapshot-recording tool that will give you a visual detail of everything your child is doing and viewing on MySpace. Snapshot recording is the equivalent of standing over your child’s shoulder the whole time they are online. In addition to having all MySpace activity recorded, Spector Pro has an advanced warning system that will inform you when a PC being monitored has been used in an inappropriate manner. Using keywords that you specify, Spector Pro will be “on guard,” emailing you an immediate and detailed report of when, where and how a keyword was used. This will give you an immediate warning email if your child is approached by, or looking at blogs and profiles that you do not want them exposed to.


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