Monday, February 27, 2006

Penis Day Offends Administrators

By Erika Westbrook
   Students across the states are reacting to a new campaign that is causing quite a controversy. V-Day, once known only as Valentine’s Day, has taken on new meaning since Eve Ensler’s play The Vagina Monologues began making appearances on college theaters across the nation.
   The V-Day (also known as Vagina Day) campaign is celebrated on hundreds of campuses each year in hopes of collecting money towards women’s domestic abuse awareness. But college administrations need to brace themselves for rebellious reactions, such as the inauguration of P-Day at Roger Williams University at Rhode Island.
   College representatives at Roger Williams shocked administration with their good-natured spoof that mimicked the V-Day campaign. According to, two participating students, Monique Stuart and Andy Mainiero, have received sharp letters of reprimand and have been placed on probation by the Office of Judicial Affairs. The P-Day satirists are the first to admit that their initiatives tasteless and crude, but they point out that V-Day are just as extreme.
   Student activists opposed to V-Day are acting out across many campuses. Rumors of other “artful” in-your-face vulgar campaigns are spreading, and plan on returning next year.
   The student activists at Roger Williams opposed to V-Day are more than willing to cancel future attempts at opposing campaigns as long as the V-Day abandon their vagina-fest.
   Are V-Day oppositionists asking for too much, when expecting to have the same rights to advertise and perform their own monologues? Students at Roger Williams are confident that their campus administration seems to think so, by allowing the V-Day warriors to publish flyers on the wall which had graphic descriptions of their vaginas, but did not allow graphic advertising flyers of P-Day.
   It is likely that as the V-Day celebration continues to expand across the nation, so will opposing campaigns.


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