Monday, April 03, 2006

SGA Elections April 3 and 4

By SGA President David Cumberledge
With the fall semester a distant memory and spring semester nearing its end, your 2005-2006 Student Government would like to congratulate every student on a great year. The year has been a learning experience for all of us. Although we have had great success, we found success does not come without hard work and determination. We saw the 2005-2006 school year as a year of rebuilding and renewal for the students, the college and the Student Government Association.

The college currently has the highest enrollment in its history. With a growing number of students, there are more activities and events we hold to get you all involved and to have fun while being educated. Some examples throughout the past year were Troops Week, the Halloween Party, the Comedy Show and the Valentine’s Date Auction, just to name a few. There are more activities scheduled for spring and even a few for fall ‘06. We encourage students to enjoy some fun in these activities.

In addition to activities and events that we plan, we have recently made additions and alterations to the Constitution and By-Laws of the SGA. These changes were made to better serve the student body.

SGA elections are being held April 3 and 4 on the main campus and Wednesday April 5 at JCC campus. Anyone wishing to run for a Student Government Office is welcome to pick up a candidate form. Forms can be found at the SGA Office, the Dean of Students Office and the Student Activities Office. Lists of the positions available are as follows: President, Vice President, Senior Senator, Junior Senator, two Sophomore Senators, six Senators-at-Large and two Jackson County Senators.

Photo by Dennis Bell

WVUP student tries new touch-screen electronic balloting system which will be used in SGA elections and the May 9 primary election. Wood County Clerk Jamie Six visited WVUP and gave a demonstration of the machines.
Photo by Dennis Bell


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