Monday, February 27, 2006

Nurse Unity Day

By Anthony Sellers
   Student nurses from WVUP gained experience on properly voicing concerns of workplace issues at Nurse Unity Day.
   The day started with Pam Neil, president of the West Virginia Nurse Association, addressing the students. She talked about the legislative process and explained how to talk to the state legislatures concerning workplace issues.
   Immediately following Neil, executive director of the WVNA Cheri Heflin talked about trying to reduce the amount of mercury in the state rivers and streams. She informed attendees that West Virginia is one of the most contaminated states in the United States.
   Another concern that was addressed was the Mandatory Overtime bill. The WVNA wants to amend the bill, shortening nurse shifts from 16-hour days to 12-hour days.
   Following the two speakers, the students marched to the capitol, where Governor Manchin talked briefly. The students were then put into small groups and talked to their county legislatures.
   Overall, the students valued the experience they gained from Nurse Unity Day.
   Student Stacy Stout concluded, “This event is a very effective way to bring about awareness and change. It is our opportunity to have our voices heard by those that can do something to improve our workplace/workforce issues.”
   Student Erin Keenan agreed, saying, “We came away from the experience armed with a lot of the information we need to become informed and involved citizens and nurses.”


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