Monday, September 26, 2005

Elect a Freshman

By Betsy Curry
Freshmen elections are upon us again. Student Government will be electing two freshmen senators. Candidates in the freshmen elections are Angel Buchanan, Daniel Dafo, William Leek, Jason Lindville, Joey Mowrey, Kris Rollyson, and Diana Williams.

Those elected will serve on the Student Government Association Senate. The Student Senate will be responsible for and have the authority to elect from the ranks of the Senate a Student Pro-Tempore to serve as Parliamentarian; appropriate funds to all agencies of the SGA and to such other activities compatible with the general welfare of the appointments made by the majority vote; override a presidential veto by a two-thirds vote of the entire Senate; approve, by majority, presidential appointments to the various campus committees; and request a report from any member of the executive branch of the SGA concerning any matter for which said person is responsible upon concurrence of a majority of senators present at a regular meeting.

Freshmen senators also have the authority to expel an executive officer (according to the bylaws of the SGA constitution), as well as to appoint officers previously approved by the Senate, or a senator of the SGA upon concurrence of a two-thirds vote of the entire Senate; approve all rules governing student elections; require reports from all organizations receiving appropriations from the SGA; review and approve applications for new student organizations; engage in legitimate enterprise for the purpose of gaining revenue for the maintenance of the SGA; establish subordinate offices and committees of the Senate as deemed appropriate; call a special meeting if deemed necessary; serve on at least one SGA committee.

Elections will begin with campaigning Monday, Sept. 19. Campaigning will last all week long. Campaigning on election days must be kept 50 feet away from the polls. Candidates can campaign with, but are not limited to, signs, buttons, and banners. All campaigning must be done in good taste and approved first by the SGA.

Voting will take place Sept. 26 and 27 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 5 to 7 p.m. The polls are located in the hall between the Children’s Room and the library. Any student enrolled at West Virginia University at Parkersburg is eligible to vote. Please vote only once. All students are encouraged to take place in the voting process.


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