Monday, March 20, 2006

Theater Ready for Fresh Air

Photo by Betsy Curry
By John Hickey
West Virginia University at Parkersburg’s College Theatre is undergoing extensive renovation. The ceiling has been torn out and seats removed to ready the theater for the replacement of its entire heating and ventilation system, along with painting and cosmetic improvements, says Wayne Riley, director of purchasing and the project coordinator. Under a $188,000 contract, West Virginia Heating and Plumbing is installing a new, larger air-conditioning and heating unit and replacing the HVAC electrical system and ductwork.

Work began Feb. 20. If the project is not completed by July 20 as expected, WVUP will be paid $1000 per day “liquidated damages,” Riley says, for every subsequent day the project remains uncompleted.

Last summer, the theater underwent a complete cleaning of carpets and curtains and upholstery to remedy the effects of years of poor ventilation, which had given the theater a musty, stale smell of mold to those with acute senses. The new HVAC system, designed by CMA Engineering, will ventilate the theater more thoroughly so that the problem does not recur.


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