Monday, January 30, 2006

Bulgaria Project Raises Money

By Anthony Sellers
“Faculty As You’ve Never Seen Them Before” was held on Jan. 24, by the Bulgaria Project Committee. The concert raised money to bring faculty from the University of Rousse, the college’s partner school located in Bulgaria.

The West Virginia University of Parkersburg Committee was formed in 2001 by Emily Lamb, but did not grow until 2002, when they received funds from the Fulbright Grant to send twelve staff members from WVUP to Bulgaria for one month.

Concert performers included the Helium Singers, headed by professor Maggie Berdine, instructor Chase Brady, Director of Theatre Carson Soelberg, and the area ensemble Too Far Gone, which includes two WVUP faculty members.

Although it was a concert featuring musical groups, those who attended were also entertained with some comedy.

The Helium Singers kicked off the afternoon performing two songs. “Retirement” was the group’s last performance, and included the well-known “I Will Survive,” as a model for the rhythm of the song.

Dr. Joe Badgley served as Master of Ceremony, and unexpectedly displayed his skills, playing two spoons against his leg, before bringing Carson Soelberg up to perform.

Soelberg used paper signs to say what was on his mind instead of words. He then did a silent performance with words on signs followed by a grand rendition of “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star,” on an electrical keyboard.

The next to perform was Chase Brady. He showcased songs from his new CD Coyote Heart, which was on sale to help raise money for the committee.

Soelberg performed again with his silent paper, followed by his humorous song about Velveeta cheese, to the tune of “Maria,” a song from the popular musical West Side Story.

After a short intermission, the feature ensemble Too Far Gone performed. The group includes WVUP instructors Dave Thompson and Mark Bruce.

Overall, the event raised over $1,400, enough to bring another instructor from Rousse to Parkersburg. Right now, the Bulgaria Project Committee has enough money to bring a total of three instructors to Parkersburg.

Brady’s CD Coyote Heart, is on sale in the Teaching Innovations Center across from the Academic Dean’s office for $10 each. All proceeds will benefit the WVUP Bulgaria Project.


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