Monday, November 07, 2005

Peacemakers in the Unholy War

To the Editor:
I’m writing to add to John Hickey’s report (“The Unholy War Between Religion and Science,” Oct. 10) on the September 23rd program: “America’s Search for a Creation Story.”

When Karl Giberson spoke about polarization over the issue of evolution, and the painful American controversy over what should be taught as science in schools, one of his primary points was that there are many people who believe in both God and evolution. While for some scientists there is no God, and for some theologians there are only literal 24-hour creation days, many, many scientists and theologians find the forced choice to be a false choice. At least two people on the stage that evening were at the same time Ph.D scientists and believing Christians (one a Nazarene and one a Catholic) who endorse evolution. It’s important to know that there are people all along the continuum on this issue.

Unfortunately, he said (as your reporter stated), the most eloquent writers seem to be at the poles, each demonizing the other end of the spectrum.

Thank you for your coverage of this event.

Fran Allen The Manor Retreat & Conference Center


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