Monday, October 10, 2005

Education Is Family Affair

By Ashleigh McCune
Many families share holidays, dinners and vacations together. The Buchanan family, however has something unique they share; they all attend West Virginia University at Parkersburg.

Will, the father, is working towards his Bachelors of Applied Technology (BAT) with the option of networking and his Associate in Pre-Professional with a math background. He has already completed his Associate in Business and is working towards earning an Arts Degree. Will decided to come to WVUP due to a spinal injury causing him to leave his work in the construction field.

Lois, the mother, is working towards earning her Associate in Business and the Arts. Currently she works as a beautician. She also has an older son, Jimmy Mercer, who took Welding classes. Angel, a daughter, is working on her Associate in Criminal Justice. She graduated one year early from high school.

Whitney, a daughter, is a senior at Parkersburg High School where she is double majoring in Military and Medical fields. She is taking AP courses there from WVUP in Psychology and Sociology 101. She also plans to take Chemistry 101 this summer. She is planning to apply to the Nursing Program next fall. Whitney is a member of the PHS Drill Team. She performed with her team here during “Troops Week.” She has been a member all four years of high school. Whitney is the Unit Executive Commander, in other words she is second in command. “I really like the idea of coming to WVUP because it is close to home, not very big, and is a lot more safe,” says Whitney.

The family has two cousins who also attend here.

“One of the hardest tasks about us all coming to school here is juggling the cars because we only have two,” says Lois. The Buchanan family is optimistic to overcome the economy, to support each other, and to attain their goals. “We are very grateful this campus is here,” says Lois.

Jeff Holland is the family’s advisor. Mother and daughter Lois and Angel even have a class together, Psychology 101. The Work Force for West Virginia is sponsoring the Buchanan family. Will and Lois will graduate this spring.

Another thing that ties this family together is the military. Lois was in the Army Reserve. Angel’s boyfriend, Brett Spangler, is in the Marine Corp. Whitney is planning to join the Navy or Marine Corp to become a flight medic. Both of their grandfathers were also in the military.

This is certainly what you call a “family affair.” Lois even admitted that she has found other relatives here just by talking to people and then finding out that they were relatives. Although there are struggles, one thing is very clear in this family; they support each other and are optimistic for their educational future.


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