Monday, October 24, 2005

Dulcimer Display

By Devon Nuckles
Mike Mollohan was on campus for Heritage Day demonstrating the Appalachian Dulcimer, a hollow wood instrument played on the lap consisting of four strings plucked in the same fashion as a guitar. The Appalachian Dulcimer is the only original instrument other than the banjo to come from the Appalachian area.

Mollohan, a blind craftsmen, who has been in woodworking for four years, was given an old dulcimer by a friend of his and took an interest in the instrument shortly after. “It was a junker,” said Mollohan, “but I fell in love with it.” Today Mollohan builds his own dulcimers.

“I played the guitar sometime before I got into the dulcimer,” he stated, “so I know how to play it some.” Mollohan occasionally plays for schools, churches and anyone interested in the music.

For anyone interested in learning how to play the dulcimer, or any instrument, Mollohan offers this sound advice: “Just dive in.”


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